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Alle Suchbegriffe sind in allen Ergebnissen enthalten: 6 Treffer
 Hinweis zum CopyrightAAP Archive Artist Publications - Munich -

  • MONO.KULTUR #39 Terre Thaemlitz - The Arrogance of Optimism
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 48 S., 20x15 cm, ISBN/ISSN 18617085
    Drahtheftung, auf verschiedenem Papier gedruckt, von rechts nach links zu lesen
  • Politics and the dance floor make for uneasy bedfellows, and it is this uneasiness that drives most of the work of Terre Thaemlitz, confronting head-on issues that are usually off limits in electronic music. Thaemlitz is a producer and DJ, also known under their monikers of DJ Sprinkles, Social Material, and K-S.H.E, among others. But they are also a writer, educator and activist of sorts, with very fluid notions of gender, switching continuously between male and female drag. Born in 1968, Terre Thaemlitz left the rigidly conservative and violently homophobic environment of their home state, Missouri, in the mid-1980s for New York. They became involved in the queer and transgender scenes both socially and musically at a time when house music was not a genre but simply the wide open sound of a specific social and political space. As New York’s underground queer music scenes dissolved under gentrification, Thaemlitz eventually relocated to Tokyo at the beginning of the ’00s. In a challenging interview with mono.kultur, Terre Thaemlitz talked about the politics of sexuality, his disillusion with the music industry, and why roller disco was so amazing. Visually, the issue is a dark affair, steeped in a dirty, gritty black. Printed on no less than six different paper stocks and juxtaposing several grids and graphic systems, it creates its own visual logic – only to disturb our most fundamental habits of reading and navigating a magazine by opening backwards, from right to left.
    Text von der Website.
Stichwort / Schlagwort


  • Mailmania 3 - Konvolut
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 14,6x24,1 cm, 6 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Ein Flyer, Rückseite mit handschriftlichem Gruß, eine Visitenkarte, drei Flyer in Briefumschlag,mehrfach gestempelt und mit Künstlerbriefmarken beklebt
  • Flyer zu Dame's Portrait Gallery, The Fine Art of Crochet: Innovative Works from 20 Contemporary Artists und Self Portrait Artist Traiding Card.
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  • Dame's Portrait Palace - Konvolut
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 14,6x24,1 cm, 3 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Ein Flyer, Rückseite mit handschriftlichem Gruß, eine Visitenkarte, mehrfach gestempelt und mit Künstlerbriefmarken beklebter Briefumschlag
  • Flyer zu Dame's Portrait Palace. Many Thanks for your participation in my ongoing Mail Art Project. It has been 9 years of exciting trips to the mailbox with fabulous visual responses from artists in all walks of life. I invite you to join in again as I prepare to focus on an exhibition of 8" x 10" portrait images that will be part of "Portraits II"
    Text vom Flyer.
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Mailarta Artimisia: Mailmania Konvolut, 2018


Mailarta Artimisia: Mailmania Konvolut, 2018

  • Mailmania Konvolut
Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • 23,7x33 cm, signiert, 8 Teile. keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Bogen mit abgebildeten Briefmarken (Edition #77), ein Bogen mit 5 perforierten Briefmarken, Rückseite mit handschriftlichem Gruß, drei Visitenkarten, in Briefumschlag, mehrfach gestempelt und mit einigen Künstlerbriefmarken beklebt, handbemalt. Alles zusammen in weißem Plastikbeutel von Klaus Groh beschrieben mit applizierter Eule, und das alles in weißem Briefumschlag, mehrfach beklebt, mit Faserschreiber bemalt und beschriftet
  • Material von Dame's Portrait Gallery, und Self Portrait
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  • HochX Magazin #4
Ort Land
  • 56 S., 28x20,6 cm, Auflage: 5.000, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
  • Beschrieben wird die Geschichte des Aufbaus vom HochX Theater seit 17.10.2016, genauso wie das Theater überlebt hat in den Zeiten des Corona-Lockdowns. Das HochX Theater bezaubert immer wieder mit seiner Freien Szene, die auf kleinem Raum und mit knappen Budget ein beeindruckendes Programm auf die Beine stellt, aber gleichzeitig Münchener und Nichtmünchener Künstler*innen fördert und neue Allianzen stiftet. Die Pandemie stoppt nicht die unzähligen Projekte die HochX München präsentieren wird. Neuerungen werden auch beschrieben in dem Magazin, wie der Podcast "Kopfkino". Behinderung und "Queeres Erwachen" sind auch Teil des Magazins. Sie spielen daher eine der Hauptrollen und werden in Form einer positiv-politischen-provozierenden Stand-up Show präsentiert. Das Zeigen von Gefühlen trägt viele zukünftige Projekte. Über die jeweiligen beteiligten Personen wird im Detail berichtet.

steinbrecher-yes yes no no-2017-broschur

Ort Land
Verlag Jahr
  • [16] S., 19x12 cm, keine weiteren Angaben vorhanden
    Broschur, das letzte Blatt ist auf 19 x 4 cm beschnitten
  • His mustache looked like it would tickle. That’s probably the only reason why I didn’t want to kiss him.
    He was a weirdo, but not weird enough, if you know what I mean. He certainly had a flair for details. It wasn’t that. I mean, it’s not like he was wearing a mullet, no. Nor like the kind of guy to gift me a Chinatown Gucci bag. He hated scented soaps and he’d drag me out of any decent party if he found scenty sticks near the toilet. That kind of thing drove him nuts. It’s not like he had anything against grapefruit.
    Early on in our friendship, he gave me a box of Gioconda pencils from Koh-I-Noor. He knew how to get me hooked. But that damn mustache. It was so thick, so neatly trimmed. He paid too much attention to the kind of things I didn’t want to pay attention to. The cappuccino foam in it, however, was a kind of turn-on.
    This is no doubt why you are holding this book in your hands. His mustache, right? Admit it. It’s the bowl of bonbons by the register. But then you go undercover, under the sheets to find a lot of nudity, thwarted porn. Ja, ja, ja: bodies. Corporeality. Corporation, cooperation. Protest. Violence. Religion. Collage. A torn sheet at the back. A misbound book? A defect or just vulnerable?
    Selbsthilfe ist auch keine Lösung (even self-help is not a solution) and Protestvorbild Frankreich (protest “role model” in France?) is the only text you can make out other than mine. You’re meant to struggle to read it, or maybe Erik (who has no mustache) was being intentionally casual about the way he cut out these pictures. It’s an awareness of being sloppy that is so aware, it’s no longer sloppy. A man standing with his fist held high. He’s standing in the window frame of an apartment at least one story up from the ground. He is forty and mad and he enjoys his Bud. His form of protest is a form of solidarity from the sofa. A window protest: comfy. So fucking clever. Then there’s the picture abutting it of a woman holding out her bra. We are meant to take it. She’s offering it to us. Go ahead. She wants you to.
    And then there’s the spooning bodies with their tube socks in a wad next to… a bed. A solar bed. You got it? This book is brown sugar. Stinky Swiss cheese. Bad, bad, good, good.
    April von Stauffenberg
    Text von der Verlagsseite
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